The timestamp with this information is 29:09. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets. Patches together the Revelation User Interface and DUI Hotfix User Interface to get the best of both at the same time. Fallout 3 Darnified Ui Install Results It. Everything is working as it's supposed to."ĭon't take my word for it. Fallout 3 Darnified Ui Mods Are Including. So yeah, for those of us beating our heads into a wall trying to figure out what we had done wrong, the answer is "absolutely nothing.

And in that video he specifically says that OneHUD *cannot* control the new UI elements of OneHUD, and that if you want the iHUD functionality fully working, you have to turn off the Darn elements and use OneHud's Extra HUD equivalents instead. How do I know this? Because the author of OneHUD, Gopher, made a video about installing UI mods in late March of this year, more than a month *after* he created the OneHUD-DarnTTW patch.

The OneHUD-DarnTTW patch only makes it so the main Darn elements don't have issues with the iHud part of OneHUD. So for those trying to figure out how to get OneHUD to work with the new Darn-TTW elements, I've made a disheartening discovery.